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Friday 4 March 2011

Week 40 Day 7 - Roman

And for the final post of this week (which spanned almost a month long), I shall give you:-

Song: 朝と夜の物語 by Sound Horizon
Asa to Yoru no Monogatari (Roman) [The Story (Roman) of Day and Night]
[Note: The words in bracket are how the words are pronounced in the lyrics]

Thursday 3 March 2011

Week 40 Day 6 - Seisen no Iberia

Welcome to another day. Today will be another single featured from fantasy band, Sound Horizon. And the single in question starts with:-

Song: 争いの系譜 by Sound Horizon
Arasoi no Keifu [The Genealogy of Conflicts] by Sound Horizon

Wednesday 2 March 2011

Week 40 Day 5 - Märchen

Today I shall feature the LATEST (released just 3 months ago) Sound Horizon album, entitled Marchen. Enjoy the first song below:-

Song: 宵闇の唄 by Sound Horizon
Yoiyami no Uta [The song of Dawn] by Sound Horizon

Tuesday 1 March 2011

Week 40 Day 4 - Dream Port

Welcome back to the normal time. The side timeline has ended with the month of February, and now time resumes, back to where we left it in January. And that means, back to Sound Horizon.
And so for today's post, I shall give you:-

Song: 砂塵の彼方へ… by Revo & 梶浦由記
Beyond the sandy clouds... by Revo & Yuki Kaijura
[Note: The kanji lyrics were taken off a forum site (which required registration). Credits to 'weroth' for posting the full lyrics.]

Thursday 24 February 2011

Week 44 Day 3 - Working!!

Errgh, I don't see this going to end well for one of the songs. But enough with the negative start (and I thought I planned these posts months ahead), let's get on with:-

[The last minute is silence (or should be silence), song is 4:40+ long]

Song: Someone Else by 種島 ぽぷら [C.V 阿澄佳奈], 伊波 まひる [C.V 藤田咲] & 轟 八千代 [C.V 喜多村 英梨]
Someone Else by Taneshima Poplar [C.V Asumi Kana], Inami Mahiru [C.V Fujuta Saki] & Todoroki Yachiyo [C.V Kitamura Eri]

[The full version of the song could not be found for preview]

Song: ゴールデン・デイ by 藤田咲
Golden Day by Fujita Saki

Wednesday 23 February 2011

Week 44 Day 2 - Baka to Test to Shōkanjū

Welcome to another post today. Here's this post's songs:-

Song: Perfect-area Complete! by 麻生 夏子
Perfect-area Complete! by Natsuko Aso

Song: 晴れときどき笑顔 by 姫路 瑞希[C.V 原田 ひとみ], 島田 美波[C.V 水橋 かおり], 木下 秀吉[C.V 加藤 英美里] & 霧島 翔子 [C.V 磯村 知美]
Hare Tokidoki Egao [Sunny with Smiles at Times] by Mizuki Himeji [C.V Hitomi Harada], Minami Shimada [C.V Kaori Mizuhashi], Hideyoshi Kinoshita [C.V Emiri Kato] & Shoko Kirishima [C.V Tomomi Isomura]

Week 44 Day 1 - High School of the Dead

Hi again, and this week we look at more recent animes, starting with 2010's:-

Song: HIGHSCHOOL OF THE DEAD by 岸田教団 & THE明星ロケッツ
HIGHSCHOOL OF THE DEAD by Kishida Kyodan and The Akeboshi ROCKETS

Song: The place of Hope by 黒崎真音
The Place of Hope by Kurosaki Maon

Tuesday 22 February 2011

Week 43 Day 6 - Harukanaru Toki no Naka de/ Shounen Onmyouji

For today's starting post, I'm gonna take a step backwards (in time, and pace of course) and bring forward something quite unknown. The songs in question are:-

Song: 遥か、君のもとへ・・・ by 関 智一, 高橋 直純 & 宮田 幸季
Haruka, Kimi no Moto e... [Far Away, To Where You Are...] by Tomokazu Seki, Naozumi Takahahashi, and Kouki Miyata

[Note: Video completely UNrelated]

Song: flowin' ~浮雲~ by 浅川 悠 & 桑島 法子
flowin' ~Ukigomo~ [flowin' ~Floating Clouds~] by Yuu Asakawa and Houko Kuwashima

Monday 21 February 2011

Week 43 Day 5 - Claymore

For the 2nd post of the day, I shall give:-

[No PV version, so here's a live version for you to enjoy first]

Song: レゾンデートル by ナイトメア
Raison d'être [REZONDETTORU] by Nightmore
[Note: French for "Reason to Live"]

Song: 断罪の花 ~Guilty Sky~ by 小坂 りゆ
Danzai no Hana ~Guilty Sky~ [Flower of Conviction ~Guilty Sky~] by Riyu Kosaka

Week 43 Day 4 - K-On!

Today I shall bring you 2 IN songs (instead of the usual OP/ED combination). First up, I'd like to say that finding the right videos for the 2 songs is VERY HARD indeed (as there are many other videos mixed in, as well as lack of official material). Anyways, here it goes:-

Song: わたしの恋はホッチキス by 放課後ティータイム
Watashi no Koi wa HOCCHIKISU (My love is a HotchKiss/Stapler) by Houkago Tea-Time

Song: ふでペン ~ボールペン~ by 放課後ティータイム
Fude PEN BORU PEN (Calligraphy Pen ~Ballpoint Pen~) by Houkago Tea-Time

Sunday 20 February 2011

Week 43 Day 3 - Fafner

Hello, and welcome to the second post of the day. And today's featured anime OP/ED sounds like:-

Song: シャングリラ by angela
Shangri-La by angela

Song: separation by angela
[Kanji lyrics here]

Week 43 Day 2 - Kämpfer

And welcome to another day. Today I'd be featuring the OP and ED of the show:-

Song: あんりある♥パラダイス by (栗林 みな実
Unreal Paradise [anriaru PARADAISU] by Minami Kuribayashi

Song: ワンウェイ両想い by 井上 麻里奈 & 中島 愛
One Way Ryou Omoi by Marina Inoue & Megumi Nakajima

Saturday 19 February 2011

Week 43 Day 1 - Transformers: Galaxy Force

And welcome to another brand new week in this brand new edition of February's Double month. This time, I'm going to be posting 2 songs from a particular show/series (whether OP1 OP2, ED1 ED2, or OP ED, or heck, even INs). So without further ado, let's start it off with:-

Song: IGNITION - イグニッション! by CHINO

Song: いつも by いっせいともか
Itsumo [Always] by Issei Tomoka

Week 42 Day 7 - Fiction Junction YUUKA

And to finish of this 2 fortnight's worth of J-artists, I bring you the last of the lot, that is:-

Song: 暁の車 by フィクションジャンクション・ユウカ
Akatsuki no kuruma (Wheels of Dawn) by Fiction Junction YUUKA

Song: 焔の扉 by フィクションジャンクション・ユウカ
Honoo no Tobira (Doors of Flame) by Fiction Junction YUUKA

Friday 18 February 2011

Week 42 Day 6 - day after tomorrow

No, I'm not stating a time here, though that day could be worth a mention later on in the post. See my mood.
In any case, day after tomorrow (here-on referred to as dat) is a band, consisting of 3 female vocalists, and the songs I want to share from them are:-

Song: Starry Heavens by day after tomorrow

Song: more than a million miles by day after tomorrow

Week 42 Day 5 - fripSide

After trying to find the initial songs that I wanted to feature, I realize that this could be a really short post. Works for me though, having to go through some posts in quick succession.
Anyways, here's fripside with:-

Song: nostalgia by fripSide

Song: transient wind by fripSide

Monday 14 February 2011

Week 42 Day 4 - Tommy Heavenly6

Welcome to the 2nd post on Valentine's Day. No specials in today's post though. Today's featured artiste is actually more familiar than you might think:-

Song: Hey my friend by Tommy heavenly6 [Kanji can be found here]

Song: Unlimited sky by tommy heavenly6 [Alternate link] [Kanji here]

Week 42 Day 3 - Megumi Nakajima

The voice of GUMI returns! This time the 2 songs on feature are:-

Song: Be MYSELF by 中島 愛
Be MYSELF by Megumi Nakajima

Song: パイン by 中島愛
PAINN (Pine/Pain, not sure which is the actual translation) by Megumi Nakajima
[Lyrics for these, please scroll down. Also, you could use google translate for the lyrics :P]

Sunday 13 February 2011

Week 42 Day 2 - Porno Graffitti

I can't remember if I've featured this group previously, but before you think I'm going to be posting things irrelevant to the project, take note that the word has 2 F's and 2 T's (to distinguish it from the actual art). That being said, here's the songs to feature:-

[A very RARE PV indeed, by the way]

Song: 愛が呼ぶほうへ by ポルノグラフィティ
Ai ga Yobu Hou e [The place where Love calls] by Porno Graffitti

[Subs for your enjoyment]

Song: アゲハ蝶 by ポルノグラフィティ
Ageha Chou [Swallowtail butterfly] by Porno Graffitti

Week 42 Day 1 - FLOW

So in my haste to finish posts, I completely forgot to post for Saturday. Oh wells. I also found out that I might have to take another 2-3 days break (not counting potential misses) in the coming week, so here's to trying to complete the post as is. In any case, considering the current schedule, I should just keep to finishing this 28 post by the end of the month.

ANYWAYS, here's the next group:-

Song: Garden by FLOW

Song: メロス by FLOW

Friday 11 February 2011

Week 41 Day 7 - UVERworld

And for the 2nd post of the day, here's:-

Song: just Melody by UVERworld [Lyrics translations here]

Song: CHANCE by UVERworld [Lyrics translations here]

Week 41 Day 6 - Nami Tamaki

And.. moving on to my next post in the dead of the night, here's:-

Song: Prayer by 玉置 成実
Prayer by Tamaki Nami

Song: Sanctuary by 玉置 成実
Sanctuary by Tamaki Nami

Thursday 10 February 2011

Week 41 Day 5 - Psychic Lover

And for my 2nd post today, again another familiar face:-

Song: 冒険者 ON THE ROAD by サイキックラバー
Bōkensha on the Road (Adventurers ON THE ROAD) by Psychic Lover

Song: とんでもねぇヤツらがやって来た! by サイキックラバー
Tontemonee YATSURA ga yatte kitta! [My guess: THAT guy has arrived] by Psychic Lover


Welcome back!
For today's post, another returning artiste is featured here, with new songs:-

Song: 三度目の桜 by ハイ・アンド・マイティ・カラー (Hai Ando Maiti Karā)
Sandome no Sakura (The Third Cherry Blossom) by HIGH AND MIGHTY COLOR

Song: リアルワールド by ハイ・アンド・マイティ・カラー (Hai Ando Maiti Karā)

Wednesday 9 February 2011

Week 41 Day 3 - Janne Da Arc

It is a second post of the day!!
And I'll bring forward a band that I once covered in the early days of the blog. What's more, I'm covering songs from their early days too. Here's:-

Song: ICE by ジャンヌダルク [JYANNU DARUKU]
ICE by Janne da Arc [Lyrics translation here]

Song: Judgement 死神のkiss by ジャンヌダルク [JYANNU DARUKU]
Judgement -Shinigami no Kiss- by Janne da Arc [Translations found here]

Week 41 Day 2 - Nightmare

Welcome back to the 2nd day. Let's move on to the next sets of pairs:-

Song: The WORLD by ナイトメア

[Or use this link if the above doesn't load]

Song: DIRTY by ナイトメア

Tuesday 8 February 2011

Week 41 Day 1 - Asian Kung-fu Generation - Back from Break!

Welcome back! I have returned from my week long break and am back to offer more goodies.
As mentioned in my last post (the Jan monthly review), I'd be having 4 independent weeks in Feb (so the Sound Horizon week will be continued in March) and will be doing at LEAST double features per post. Also given my current lag, there will be days of Double postings too.

Anyways, onwards to my post, and the 2 songs to be featured are:-

Song: 遥か彼方 by アジアン・カンフー・ジェネレーション
Haruka Kanata ["far away and beyond distance"] by Asian Kungfu Generation

Song: リライト by アジアン・カンフー・ジェネレーション
RIRAITO [Rewrite] by Asian Kungfu Generation

Tuesday 1 February 2011

09 - The month of January - The start of a new year [and yet another mile-stone]

It's monthly review time again. It has lasted past the new year and into it's 3rd Quarter!!
276/365 down, 89 days to go (that's about 75.6% done)
9/12 down, 3 months to go (75.% done)

Well, as usual, let's do a recap at what I've posted so far, shall we?

Just to remind, I would be reviewing on a weekly basis, what the week's supposed theme (if any) would be, and the individual songs posted (as well as the actual link to the post).
[This is gonna be a copy-pasta from previous months]

(Note: There are TWO 'Back-to-top' buttons at both the bottom left and bottom right of the posts)

Monday 31 January 2011

Week 40 Day 3 - Elysion

Welcome to a 3rd post, and today I shall feature the first album released by Sound Horizon since they went professional (and not just a doujin circle) in October 2004 - April 2005, with the album of Elysion.
There are actually 2 albums to it, one being Elysion ~Rakuen e no Zensōkyoku~ [ELYSION ~楽園への前奏曲~ | Elysion ~Prelude to Paradise~] and the other being Elysion ~Rakuen Gensō Monogatari Kumikyoku~ [Elysion ~楽園幻想物語組曲~ | Elysion ~Paradise Fantasy Story Suite~]; the former being the preview to the latter. Just letting viewers know really.

And therefore, I shall start off with:-

Song: エルの楽園 [→ side:E →] by Sound Horizon
Eru no Rakuen ( El's Paradise) [-> side:E ->] by Sound Horizon

Sunday 30 January 2011

Week 40 Day 2 - ~Ido e Itaru Mori e Itaru Ido~

Welcome to the second post, and here, I feature the latest Single by Sound Horizon (released in June 2010), ~Ido e Itaru Mori e Itaru Ido~.
Firstly first, don't ask me what the title means. The best I can give you is something google translate gave me, and that's "Send private message leading to Ido". None the wiser, but still.

Anyways, on to the 1st song of the single:-

Song: 光と闇の童話 by Sound Horizon
Hikari to Yami no Dōwa (Märchen) [The Fairytale (Märchen) of Light and Dark] by Sound Horizon
[Note: While the title reads Dowa, it is pronounced Marchen, which is German for what Dowa means anyways (Fairytale)]

Week 40 Day 1 - Moira

Hi again, and welcome to another J-artist themed week.

Note: This week's post was meant to be last week's post, but I switched it around for my own aesthetic's sake. Anyways, back to the post.

This week, I will be looking at the band Sound Horizon [abbreviated by fans as Sanhora (サンホラ)], and will start off with their 6th (and 2nd recent) album, Moira.
As a short note, I will be focusing on the group's singles and albums and will thus feature a couple of songs from each.

Let's begin with an epic one:-

Song: 奴隷達の英雄 – Ελευσευς by Sound Horizon
Doreitachi no Eiyū [The Hero of Slaves] - Eleuseus by Sound Horizon

Friday 28 January 2011

Week 39 Day 7 - Cendrillon

Onwards with the next and final song, I give you:-

Song: サンドリヨン by 初音ミク & KAITO
Cendrillon [French for "Cindrella"] by Hatsune MIKU & KAITO

Thursday 27 January 2011

Week 39 Day 6 - Genesis

Onwards to my second post of the day, I shall give you this song that appeared in the VocaloGenesis album, and pretty much struck to me:-

Song: Genesis by 初音ミク & 巡音ルカ
Genesis by Hatsune MIKU & Megurine LUKA

Week 39 Day 5 - Dreaming Little Bird

Firstly first, I apologize for being a day late...
I probably believed that posting a few songs on Day 4 meant that I could take a day off.

In any case, here's the next song:-

Song: 夢みることり by 初音ミク & 鏡音リン
Dreaming Little Bird (Yume Miru Kotori) by Hatsune MIKU & Kagamine RIN

Tuesday 25 January 2011

Week 39 Day 4 - Group Collaborations

So, for today, rather than feature one duet version of a song, I decided to feature several songs that are multiple VOCALOIDs collaboration in nature.
Sadly though, it makes it harder for a nico-cover or nico-chorus to happen (and possibly, the lack of popularity might be involved too), so there won't be much additional stuffs.

Anyways, onwards with the first song:-

Song: 春日通り by 初音ミク, 神威がくぽ, 鏡音リン, 鏡音レン, MEIKO & KAITO
Kasuga Avenue [Kasuga doori] by Hatsune MIKU, Kamui Gakupo, Kagamine RIN, Kagamine LEN, MEIKO & KAITO
[Note: This song is about a place in Japan, hence the slightly weird PV]

Monday 24 January 2011

Week 39 Day 3 - Promise

Moving onwards with the next post, I shall feature another of samfree's song. And, no, it is not another night series entry. Instead, I give you a duet:-

Song: PROMISE by 初音ミク & 鏡音リン
PROMISE by Hatsune MIKU & Kagamine RIN

Sunday 23 January 2011

Week 39 Day 2 - Magnet

And onwards to day 2 of week 39, and we have another duet. Incidentally, as I failed to mention in the previous post, this week will cover some of the VOCALOID collaboration musics around.

So, without much further ado, here's MIKU and LUKA in:-

[Nico link is temporarily down, so have to make do with youtube for now]

Song: magnet by 初音ミク & 巡音ルカ
magnet by Hatsune MIKU & Megurine LUKA

Week 39 Day 1 - Imitation Black

First up, it's VOCALOID WEEK!
Secondly, I would like to apologize for the reschedule in my weekly themes (as I am not doing what I alluded to on Friday), but the timing of it all made me do it.

Anyways, onwards with the first song:-

Song: Imitation Black by 神威がくぽ, KAITO & 鏡音レン
Imitation Black by Kamui Gakupo, KAITO and Kagamine Len

Friday 21 January 2011

Week 38 Day 7 - Uninstall

And to end the week with a Bang, here's my next song:-

[Leave the NND comments ON for this vid to work best]

Song: アンインストール by 石川智晶
ANINSUTOORU (Uninstall) by Chiaki Ishikawa

Week 38 Day 6 - Oblivious

Welcome to post #6 of the week.
Feeling a lot better now compared to yesterday, so I'm up for a double post day today.
Though I foresee that this post will be relatively short (compared to the next one). And I shall give you:-

Song: oblivious by Kalafina [カラフィナ]

Thursday 20 January 2011

Week 38 Day 5 - Come, Sweet Death

And so I brave the ill-ed condition to bring you another post today. And here's another great song from another great series/movie. It's:-

Song: 甘き死よ、来たれ [Amaki shi yo, Kitare] by Arianne
Komm, süßer Tod [Komm, Susser Tod | Come, Sweet Death] by Arianne

Week 38 Day 4 - We were so close together

First up, I must apologize for the delay in posts. I have been sick for the past couple of days (such that I was mainly in bed asleep and no energy to do a post).
Anyhow, here's the next post:-

Song: あんなに一緒だったのに by See-Saw
Anna ni isshou datta no ni (We were so close together) by See-Saw

Monday 17 January 2011

Week 38 Day 3 - Sprinter

Moving on to my next post (which I believe could be a short one), here's :-

Song: SPRINTER by Kalafina [カラフィナ]

Sunday 16 January 2011

Week 38 Day 2 - Rise

For my next song, I'm going to put something interesting, that is:-

Song: rise by Origa (Ol'ga Vital'evna Yakovleva | Ольга Витальевна Яковлева)

Week 38 Day 1 - Cruel Angel's Thesis

Hi, again, and welcome to another week of Anime greats. Let's begin with a very well and truly 1995 classic song that needs almost no introduction:-

Song: 残酷な天使のテーゼ by 高橋 洋子
Zankoku na Tenshi no TEZE [Cruel Angel's Thesis] by Takahashi Yoko

Friday 14 January 2011

Week 37 Day 7 - Innocent Key

So, for my final post of the week, let me give you:-

Song: ルナティックレッドアイズ by Innocent Key [Vocal: ℃iel]
Lunatic Red Eyes by Innocent Key
From Album: 東方楼蘭 - Touhou Rouran

Thursday 13 January 2011

Week 37 Day 6 - IOSYS

I shall admit first, this post will be hard in keeping with the theme of the more serious (less-silly) touhou doujin rearrangements. In any case, I shall persevere by posting the song below first up:-

Song: タイヨウノハナ by IOSYS
Taiyou no Hana [Flower of the Sun] by IOSYS
Album: 東方想幽森雛 [Touhou Souyuu Shimpi]

Week 37 Day 5 - Silver Forest

Welcome to a double post day. I'm gonna start off with:-

Song: BLOOD ON BLOOD by Silver Forest
From Album: Rebirth

Tuesday 11 January 2011

Week 37 Day 4 - Alstroemeria Records

OK, I shall admit first that the title of the post is misleading, because I won't be previewing the group Alstroemeria Records so much as just this song:-

Song: Bad Apple!! by Alstroemeria Records (Vocal: nomico)
Album: Exsernens, Lovelight, Circuit Breakers, Dolls, Trois Noir [Released in 5 albums]

Monday 10 January 2011

Week 37 Day 3 - COOL&CREATE

Welcome to another day of Touhou vocal doujin goodness. Today I'll feature songs from the same group that did Week 13 Day 4's post. Here's:-

Song: ラクト・ガール by COOL&CREATE
From Album: Drizzly Train

Sunday 9 January 2011

Week 37 Day 2 - SOUND HOLIC

Well, welcome to day 2. I am not too happy with this post, but as things must go as I intended to (even without 100% preparation), I'm going to do it anyways (and might as well get it over with early). In any case, here's the next song:-


Song: No Life Queen by SOUND HOLIC
From the album: SOUND HOLIC MEETS TOHO ~東方的幽々舞踏劇~ (~Touhouteki Yuuyuu Butougeki~) - SOUND HOLIC MEETS TOHO ~ Oriental Phantom Ballet ~

Week 37 Day 1 - 舞風 | MAIKAZE

And it's yet another week. As I promised last week, here is another touhou week. This week it'll be another touhou doujin vocal music, with the more 'serious/proper' tone (as opposed to the not so serious one in the 3rd month). So to start it off, I shall present:-

Song: 廻り巡る by 舞風
Meguri Meguru by MAIKAZE

Friday 7 January 2011

Week 36 Day 7 - ElDorado | Space Invader | The Final Countdown

And for the final post of the week, I shall finish off with yet another bunch of Dave Rodgers' songs. Here begins:-

Song: Eldorado by Dave Rodgers

Thursday 6 January 2011

Week 36 Day 6 - Takumi

Alrighty, back to Initial D stuffs. Here goes:-

Song: Takumi by Neo

Week 36 Day 5 - Kingdom of Rock

Welcome to another session of eurobeat songs. This time, I shall take a small step away from Initial D (where I realize MOST of my songs have been coming from) to another form of great Eurobeat songs.

Today I shall feature 2 songs from the Para Para Paradise franchise! PPP as well as Dance Dance Revolution (DDR) are also a major source of Eurobeat songs. The first song in question is:-

Song: Kingdom of Rock by Dave Rodgers

Wednesday 5 January 2011

Week 36 Day 4 - Random Eurobeats

Well, welcome to Day 4. Today I intend to just randomly dump a FEW eurobeat songs. There SHOULDN'T be much additional stuffs. Also, lyrics (if you really want) will be attached to song names.

Let's go with the opener:-

[Note: Starting out with an AMV]

Song: Forever Young by Symbol

Tuesday 4 January 2011

Week 36 Day 3 - The Race Is Over | Space Boy

Onwards with my next pair of songs, here's Dave again, this time with:-

Song: The Race is Over by Dave Rodgers

Week 36 Day 2 - IMPACT Blue

Let's begin yet again:-

Song: Impact Blue by 根谷 美智子 & かかず ゆみ
Impact Blue by Michiko Neya & Yumi Kakazu

Week 36 Day 1 - Fevernova

Welcome back!
The new year has come and gone, and now we usher in the year that is 2011.
And to start off the new week, month and year, I shall focus on a particular genre that I've always liked, despite it being simple and repetitive almost always. Yes, I'm talking about Eurobeat songs, the japanese version that is (see link). This week shall be solely focused on these songs, and hence will be relatively light to start with. Let's begin with a song from a well-known Eurobeat figurehead:-

Song: FEVERNOVA by Dave Rodgers (with Kiko Loureiro)