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Friday 22 October 2010

Week 25 Day 7 - Colors of the Heart

And so, here comes Friday again, where I end the anime-week with this great song.

Song: Colors of the Heart by UVERworld

Thursday 21 October 2010

Week 25 Day 6 - Don't Say Lazy

And here's today's second post. I give you:-

Song: Don't Say "Lazy" by 日笠 陽子 with 豊崎 愛生, 佐藤 聡美 and 寿 美菜子
Don't Say "Lazy" by Hikasa Yoko with Aki Toyosaki, Satomi Sato and Minako Kotobuki

Week 25 Day 5 - Daybreak's Bell

Sorry for being late, I shall do a double-post instead today. And here's the first post:-

Song: Daybreak's Bell by ラルク アン シエル
Daybreak's Bell by L'Arc-en-Ciel (Raruku an Shieru)
[L'Arc-en-Ciel also means 'rainbow' in French]

Tuesday 19 October 2010

Week 25 Day 4 - Hemisphere

And tonight's second post, I give you:-

Song: ヘミソフィア by 坂本 真綾
Hemisphere (HEMISOFIA) by Maaya Sakamoto

Week 25 Day 3 - Realize

And for another double-post day, here's:-

Song: Realize by 玉置 成実
Realize by Nami Tamaki

Sunday 17 October 2010

Week 25 Day 2 - Garnet Moon

And for my second post, I shall give you:-

Song: Garnet Moon by 島谷ひとみ
Garnet Moon by Hitomi Shimatani

Week 25 Day 1 - D-tecnoLife

And welcome to week 25! And it's back to the anime-list we go again. Let's start off with:-

Song: D-tecnolife by UVERworld