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Friday 31 December 2010

08 - The month of December - The closing of a year

Yep! It's this time again, monthly review time. I'm Two-Thirds through!!
245/365 down, 120 days to go (that's about 67.123% done)
8/12 down, 4 months to go (66.667% done)

Well, as usual, let's do a recap at what I've posted so far, shall we?
Again sadly, this post is also back-dated, by about 2 weeks.

Just to remind, I would be reviewing on a weekly basis, what the week's supposed theme (if any) would be, and the individual songs posted (as well as the actual link to the post). [This is gonna be a copy-pasta from previous months]

(Note: There are TWO 'Back-to-top' buttons at both the bottom left and bottom right of the posts)

Week 35 Day 7 - Nuclear Fusion -Meltdown-

For my final post of the year, I shall give you:-

Song: 炉心融解 by 鏡音リン
Roshin Yuukai -Meltdown- [Nuclear Fusion -Meltdown-] by Kagamine RIN

Thursday 30 December 2010

Week 35 Day 6 - Just be Friends

This next song is back to Megurine LUKA. I give you the ever famous:-

Song: Just be friends by 巡音ルカ
Just be friends by Megurine LUKA
[Note: The original nico link to the song is temporarily down, hence why youtube is used instead]

Wednesday 29 December 2010

Week 35 Day 5 - Soul

Welcome to Day 5. The next song would be:-

Song: ココロ by 鏡音リン
KOKORO [Heart/Soul] by Kagamine RIN

Tuesday 28 December 2010

Week 35 Day 4 - samfree Night Series

Well, get ready folks, cos this post is gonna be a BIG one.
For those who are aware of who the VOCALOID producers are, they should already know the songS (yes, MULTIPLE songs) that will be posted here today. Let's start out with the first one:-

Song: ルカルカ★ナイトフィーバー by 巡音ルカ
LUKA LUKA ★ Night Fever by Megurine LUKA

Monday 27 December 2010

Week 35 Day 3 - Skeleton Life

It's (late) Monday, and here is my post to you. As promised, here is a duet by the Kagamine-s:-

Song: SKELETON LIFE by 鏡音リン

Sunday 26 December 2010

Week 35 Day 2 - Cantarella

And for my 2nd post today, I give you a song from KAITO:-

Song: カンタレラ by KAITO (chorus with 初音ミク)
Cantarella by KAITO (chorus with Hatsune MIKU)

Week 35 Day 1 - Wash My Blood

It's once again time for another week of VOCALOIDs!! And first up, I give you Megurine LUKA's:-

Song: Wash My Blood by 巡音ルカ
Wash My Blood by Megurine LUKA

Saturday 25 December 2010

Special EDITION - X'mas Day post!!

Hi all!!

As most of you should know, I usually do not do posts on Saturdays. But seeing that today is X'mas, I won't be posting a new song, but something I did about 6 months ago. However, since it is relevant to the day, I shall re-post the post word for word here.
ENJOY Week 7 Day 6 of the project!

I'm going to be doing a quick one today.
This next song, seems to be out of season, but it is still worthy of being here:-

Song: 金の聖夜霜雪に朽ちて by 初音ミク
Kin no Seiya Rosetsu ni Kuchite by Hatsune Miku
Translates approximately into "Golden Holy Night Rotting into the Frost and Snow"
Alternative title: Requiem for the Phantasma

Friday 24 December 2010

Week 34 Day 7 - Link

It's CHRISTMAS Eve! But my song is irrelevant towards the day. So continuing on with the final entry of this week, I shall give you the same band as Day 1, with their 2005 song:-

Song: LINK by ラルク アン シエル
LINK by L'arc-en-Ciel

Thursday 23 December 2010

Week 34 Day 6 - Diamond Flower

And so, for the 2nd post of the day, here's:-

Song: ダイアの花 by yorico
Daia no hana (Diamond Flower) by yorico

Week 34 Day 5 - Butterfly Kiss

Well, since I'm on a roll here, here's the next song:-

Song: Butterfly Kiss by 米倉 千尋
Butterfly Kiss by Chihiro Yonekura

Wednesday 22 December 2010

Week 34 Day 4 - happily ever after

My 2nd post of the day will be something more recent (as compared to the previous stuffs):-

Song: happily ever after by 中川 翔子
happily ever after by Shoko Nakagawa

Week 34 Day 3 - Imperial Assault Force

It's Wednesday, and I shall be doing another double-post today. And so today's decent song shall be:-

Song: 檄!帝国華撃団 by 横山 智佐
Geki! Teigoku Kageki-Dan (Attack! Imperial Assault Force) by Chisa Yokoyama

Tuesday 21 December 2010

Week 34 Day 2 - METEOR

For my next post, let me give you an IN:-

Song: Meteor -ミーティア by T.M. Revolution
[Note: The katakana just repeats the English title]

Week 34 Day 1 - 4th Avenue Cafe

So it's Tuesday, and I'm only at my first post. In any case, this week's post will be back to your good ol' decent anime songs. Let me start it off with:-

Song: The Fourth Avenue Cafe by ラルク アン シエル
The Fourth Avenue Cafe by L'arc-en-Ciel

Saturday 18 December 2010

Week 33 Day 7 - No, Thank You!

And for the final post of the week (I actually wrote all 7 of these posts on Saturday, so I am that late), I shall give you, what I believe to be, the best ED of 2010:-

Song: No, Thank You! by 日笠 陽子 with 豊崎 愛生, 佐藤 聡美, 寿 美菜子 & 竹達 彩奈
No, Thank You! by Hikasa Yoko with Aki Toyosaki, Satomi Sato, Minako Kotobuki and Ayana Taketatsu

Friday 17 December 2010

Week 33 Day 6 - Over Sky

I actually had this one spot where I'm not sure what to post. After a hasty decision (based on songs that I've heard recently), I decide to feature this song today:-

Song: Over Sky by various
[Note: I use VARIOUS here, because there are 12 official versions of this song, each sung by 2 of the main cast (except the final version, where all are in it). Hence to proper artist(es) to tag it to]

Week 33 Day 5 - Brave Love

For the next song, we have to go back to the 90s (not really). I give you:-

[Enjoy the Vid. Galaxy Express 999 AMV]

Song: Brave Love by The Alfee

Week 33 Day 4 - GirlsDeMo Crow Song

This next post isn't show-casing ONE song in particular, but a bunch of them from one source. TO start with, let me give you:-

Song: Crow Song [Iwasawa ver.] by Girls Dead Monster (GirlsDeMo) [Marina version]

Song: Crow Song [Yui ver.] by Girls Dead Monster [LisA version]

Thursday 16 December 2010

Week 33 Day 3 - Braveheart

Next song on the list is:-

Song: Braveheart by The Gomband

Week 33 Day 2 - Yamato Nadeshiko Education

Next post, I give you a song which is pretty recent:-

Song: 大和撫子エデュケイション by トリプルブッキング [CV: 日笠 陽子, 佐藤 聡美 & 矢作紗友里]
Yamato Nadeshiko Education by Triple Booking [CV: Hikasa Yoko, Satomi Satou & Sayuri Yahagi]
[Note: The title references Yamato Nadeshiko, which is a Japanese phrase meaning "personification of an idealized Japanese woman". More info here.]

Week 33 Day 1 - Ash Like Snow

Welcome to Week 33 and the 3rd week of 'randoms' (last one there is planned). I am actually VERY very late, but shall still strive to bring 7 posts within 7 days. First up, here's one of my present favourite songs:-

Song: Ash Like Snow by the brilliant green

Saturday 11 December 2010

Week 32 Day 7 - Force Your Way

And for the final post of the Game OST week, I give you something 'classic':-

Song: Force Your Way by 植松 伸夫
Force Your Way by Nobuo Uematsu

Friday 10 December 2010

Week 32 Day 6 - Resident Evil

Let's start with a pretty short (I think) post. Here's a very nice game OST (Don't let the video's Image fool you):-

Song: "Staffs & Credits" by Masami Ueda and Saori Maeda
[Note: I kid you not on the title name]

Thursday 9 December 2010

Week 32 Day 5 - Running Shadow

For the 2nd post of the day, I'm gonna go with something that will probably take me a while to hunt down. The song of the day is:-

Song: 望ミ絶エ [ドッペルゲンガーのテーマ] by 来兎
Nozomi Tae (Running Shadow) ~ Theme of Doppelganger by Lisa-Rec

Week 32 Day 4 - Schwarzweiß

Hello again, and for the first of my double-post, as usual for my Day 4 (for those who really notice), the slight deviation is because here's a game music that isn't exactly a BGM. I give you:-

Song: schwarzweiß~霧の向こうにつながる世界~ by 霜月はるか + レヴォ
schwarzweiß ~Kiri no Mukou ni Tsunagaru Sekai~ [schwarzweiß ~Worlds Connected Beyond the Mist~] by Haruka Shimotsuki + Revo (from Sound Horizon)
[Note: schwarzweiß is German for Black White... I think]

Wednesday 8 December 2010

Week 32 Day 3 - Fight!

My next song is one of your usual JRPG boss themes, in the form of:-

Song: Fight! Ver. 4 by Noriyuki Iwadare (岩垂徳行)

Week 32 Day 2 - Sky Lagoon Ver. Zero

2nd post of the day, and I shall bring to you this:-

Song: Opening Stage Zero (Sky Lagoon) or Sky Lagoon Ver. Zero by Toshihiko Horiyama (堀山俊彦)

Week 32 Day 1 - ESAKA!

And welcome back to the following week!
I know I have been very late, but thanks for waiting up. This week is another game's week, and I shall start off with something similar to what I did 4 months ago :-

Song: ESAKA by ???? (Still no idea who)

Friday 3 December 2010

Week 31 Day 7 - Butterfly

Here's the final post of the week, and I shall give you:-

Song: Butter-Fly by 和田 光司
Butter-Fly by Kōji Wada

Week 31 Day 6 - Unyielding Wish

This next song is older than the others so far, but:-

Song: ゆずれない願い by 田村 直美
Yuzurenai Negai (Unyielding Wish) by Naomi Tamura

Week 31 Day 5 - Crimson Oath

On to the next song:-

Song: 真赤な誓い by 福山 芳樹
Makka na Chikai (Crimson Oath)

Week 31 Day 4 - God Knows...

And now time for a very well-known song:-

Song: God Knows... by ENOZ with 涼宮ハルヒ (平野 綾)
God Knows... by ENOZ with Suzumiya Haruhi (Aya Hirano)

Wednesday 1 December 2010

07 - The Month of November - The month of pressure

It's this time again, monthly review time. This project is STILL going strong! Though sadly, this post is backdated by about 20 days
214/365 down, 151 days to go (that's about 58.63% done)
7/12 down, 5 months to go (58.333% done)

Well, as usual, let's do a recap at what I've posted so far, shall we?

Just to remind, I would be reviewing on a weekly basis, what the week's supposed theme (if any) would be, and the individual songs posted (as well as the actual link to the post). [This is gonna be a copy-pasta from previous months]

(Note: There are TWO 'Back-to-top' buttons at both the bottom left and bottom right of the posts)

Monday 29 November 2010

Week 31 Day 3 - Don't be late!

Next up is:-

Song: 射手座☆午後九時Don't be late by シェリル・ノーム (CV: May'N)
Iteza☆Gogo Kuji Don't be late ( Sagittarius☆9pm Don't be late) by Sheryl Nome (CV: May'N)

Week 31 Day 2 - Muv-Luv

This next song unfortunately (due to miscalculation on my part), does not really fall into the Kamikyoku part. But I'm putting it in for being a great song in it's own right. So here's:-

Song: マブラヴ by 栗林 みな実
Muv-Luv by Minami Kuribayashi

Week 31 Day 1 - Genesis of Aquarion

Welcome to the 31st week. And the theme of this week is not just a mere collection of anime songs. I am giving you what is considered to be Kamikyoku (神曲) or otherwise known as God songs. These are pretty much famous anime songs, but with.. well.... await the NND links to see what I really mean. In the mean time, here's the first song of the week:-

Song: 創聖のアクエリオン by AKINO (川満 愛希信)
Sousei no Aquarion (Genesis of AQUARION) by AKINO (Akino Kawamitsu)

Saturday 27 November 2010

Week 30 Day 7 - Motteke! Sera-fuku

I'm late, and therefore will make this somewhat quick... really...

Song: もってけ!セーラーふく by 平野 綾, 加藤 英美里, 福原 香織 & 遠藤 綾
Motteke! SERAfuku (Grab it! Sailor Uniform) by Aya Hirano, Emiri Katō, Kaori Fukuhara & Aya Endo

Friday 26 November 2010

Week 30 Day 6 - Fuwa Fuwa Time

This next song speaks for itself:-

Song: ふわふわ時間 by 秋山 澪 & 平沢 唯 (CV: 日笠 陽子 & 豊崎 愛生)
Fuwa Fuwa Time (Light and Fluffy time) by Akiyama Mio & Hirasawa Yui (CV: Hikasa Yoko & Toyosaki Aki)

Week 30 Day 5 - The summary up till now

First up, that's the song's name for the day, not a regular post. The song in question:-

Song: いままでのあらすじ by 平野 綾, 茅原 実里, 後藤 邑子, 杉田 智和 & 小野 大輔
Ima made no arasuji (The summary up till now) by Aya Hirano, Chihara Minori, Yuuko Goto, Tomokazu Sugita & Daisuke Ono

Wednesday 24 November 2010

Week 30 Day 4 - Aggressive Zone

Well, this next song is just.............
well, see for yourself:-

Song: Aggressive Zone by Needless★Girls
Composed of Aya Endo, Yui Makino, Emiri Katou, Saori Gotō and Eri Kitamura [遠藤 綾, 牧野由依, 加藤 英美里, 後藤 沙緒里 & 喜多村 英梨]

Week 30 Day 3 - MIKURU legend of love

Here's post #3. Now some weeks back, I posted a song named Koi no MINORU densetsu. For those who remembered that song, keep that tune in mind, while I bring forward this bit:-

Song: 恋のミクル伝説 by 朝比奈 みくる (後藤 邑子)
Koi no MIKURU densetsu (The MIKURU legend of love) by Asahina Mikuru (Yuko Goto)

Week 30 Day 2 - Bookmark Ahead

Without further ado, here's the next song:-

Song: ブックマーク ア・ヘッド by VARIOUS
Bookmark Ahead by VARIOUS
[Note: I use VARIOUS here, because there are 12 official versions of this song, each sung by 2 of the main cast (except the final version, where all are in it). Hence to proper artist(es) to tag it to]

Week 30 Day 1 - Sunny Sunny Happiness

OK, another bad start to the week, being 4 days late. But no matter, as massive update to come by soon. This week it's gonna be anime songs again, starting with:-

Song: ハレ晴レユカイ by 平野 綾, 茅原 実里 & 後藤 邑子
Hare Hare Yukai (Sunny Sunny Happiness) by Aya Hirano, Minori Chihara & Yuko Goto

Friday 19 November 2010

Week 29 Day 7 - Mikuni Shimokawa

And for the final post of the week, I give you Mikuni Shimokawa:-

Song: Shooting Star by 下川 みくに
Shooting Star by Mikuni Shimokawa

Week 29 Day 6 - Ai Otsuka

So here's the next post, featuring the artiste of Otsuka Ai, giving you these songs:-

Song: さくらんぼ by 大塚 愛
Sakuranbo (Cherry) by Ai Otsuka

Week 29 Day 5 - the Brilliant Green

And here's post #5!!! 5 posts in a day. I'm tired now, so this should be my last.
Anyways, here's the brilliant green from couple of months back, with:-

Song: Rainy Days Never Stays by the brilliant green

Week 29 Day 4 - Utada Hikaru

And Utada Hikaru returns to this blog, as I promised before. The songs to be featured would be:-

Song: Flavor of life by 宇多田 ヒカル
Flavor of life by Utada Hikaru

Thursday 18 November 2010

Week 29 Day 3 - Hitomi Takahashi

For my 3rd post, I bring back a slightly familiar artist covered way back:-

Song: evergreen by 高橋 瞳
evergreen by Hitomi Takahashi

Week 29 Day 2 - Megumi Nakajima

From the 2nd post, here's:-

Song: 天使になりたい by 中島 愛
Tenshi ni Naritai (Want to be an Angel) by Megumi Nakajima

Week 29 Day 1 - YUI

I apologize for the extreme lateness.. As I made the blog I promised to endeavor to give post at least 7 songs in a week. Seeing as the week hasn't ended yet, time for a bound of multiple posts (anywhere between 3 - 6 today). Starting with:-

Song: I remember you by YUI

Friday 12 November 2010

Week 28 Day 7 - Gamble Rumble

And for the final entry in my m.o.v.e week, I give you:-

Song: Gamble Rumble by m.o.v.e

Week 28 Day 6 - Angel Eyes

Apologies for the lateness. The next song to be screened is:-

[PV with karaoke]

Song: Angel Eyes by m.o.v.e

Wednesday 10 November 2010

Week 28 Day 5 - Dive into Stream

And the next m.o.v.e post will be:-

Song: Dive Into Stream by m.o.v.e

Week 28 Day 4 - Gravity

And for the 4th post of the day, I shall give you a rather... unique song in this week's theme. First, the song:-

Song: Gravity by m.o.e.v
[Yes, you read it right! It is not a typo]

Week 28 Day 3 - Raimei ~Out of Kontrol~

And here's the 3rd post.

Song: 雷鳴 ~out of kontrol~ by m.o.v.e
Raimei ~out of kontrol~ (Thunder -out of control-) by m.o.v.e

Week 28 Day 2 - Dogfight!

And here's today's 2nd post:-

Song: Dogfight by m.o.v.e

Week 28 Day 1 - Strike On!

Anyways, this week will be a j-artist week. In particular, the artist in question would be m.o.v.e [or occasionally M.O.V.E] who are famous doing songs for Initial D. Let me start them off with this song:-

Song: Strike On by m.o.v.e.

Saturday 6 November 2010

Week 27 Day 7 - The Big Dango Family

I shall be brief:-

Song: だんご大家族 by Chata
Dango Daikazoku (Big Dango Family) by Chata
[Dango is a kinda small roundish dessert in Japan]

Friday 5 November 2010

Week 27 Day 6 - Return them! Kneesocks!

Sorry for the delay today, here's the next song:-

Song: かえして!ニーソックス by 平野 綾, 加藤 英美里, 福原 香織 & 遠藤 綾
Kaeshite! Niisokkusu (Return them! Knee-socks) by Aya Hirano, Emiri Kato, Kaori Fukuhara & Aya Endo

Wednesday 3 November 2010

Week 27 Day 5 - ハナマル☆センセイション

For today's post, I give:-

Song: ハナマル☆センセイション by Little Non
Hanamaru Sensation by Little Non

Tuesday 2 November 2010

Week 27 Day 4 - Truth

For the mid-week post, it's time for some instrumentals, in the form of:-

[Enjoy the visuals of F1.. somewhat]

Song: Truth by T-square

Monday 1 November 2010

Week 27 Day 3 - Katamichi CATCHBALL!

And to complete the posts I'm lacking until today, here's today's actual post:-

Song: 片道きゃっちぼーる by モザイクウェブ
Katamichi Catchball (One-way Catchball) by MOSAIC.WAV

Week 27 Day 2 - Ne-Ni-Ge de Reset!

For the 2nd post of the day, here's:-

Song: 寝・逃・げでリセット! by 福原 香織
Ne-Ni-ge de Reset! (Escape by Sleep and Reset) by Kaori Fukuhara

Week 27 Day 1 - Balalaika

So I got delayed by 2 days, hence today will be a triple post day.
This week will be the 2nd week of randoms (out of 3), so please just see this random compilation of stuffs.

Song: バラライカ by 月島きらり starring 久住小春
Balalaika by Kirari Tsukishima starring Koharu Kusumi

Sunday 31 October 2010

06 - The Month of October - The halfway point

It's this time again, monthly review time. As stated before, this post is actually back-dated from mid-November due to various delays in schedule.
184/365 down, 181 days to go (that's about 50.4% done!!)
6/12 down, 6 months to go (50.000% done!!)
YES, we have reached the halfway point for this project!

Well, as usual, let's do a recap at what I've posted so far, shall we?

Just to remind, I would be reviewing on a weekly basis, what the week's supposed theme (if any) would be, and the individual songs posted (as well as the actual link to the post). [This is gonna be a copy-pasta from previous months]

(Note: There are TWO 'Back-to-top' buttons at both the bottom left and bottom right of the posts)

Saturday 30 October 2010

Week 26 Day 7 - Rolling Girl

And to conclude the week's VOCALOID songs, the next song is:-

Song: ローリンガール by 初音ミク
Rolling Girl by Hatsune MIKU

Thursday 28 October 2010

Week 26 Day 6 - Black Rock Shooter

And for the 6th day's post, we shall have something that has evolved a very long way now:-

Song: ブラック★ロックシューター by 初音ミク
Black ★ Rock Shooter (Burakku ★ Rokku Shūtā) by Hatsune MIKU

Week 26 Day 5 - Saihate

Sorry I'm late for the Wednesday one. I shall try my best to finish it now. Here's the next VOCALOID song:-

Song: サイハテ by 初音ミク
SAIHATE (The Farthest End) by Hatsune MIKU

Tuesday 26 October 2010

Week 26 Day 4 - Packaged

Continuing on with me second post of the day, let's have:-

Song: Packaged by 初音ミク
Packaged by Hatsune MIKU

Week 26 Day 3 - Sound

Following up from Sunday's post, the next Hatsune MIKU song to be showcased is:-

Song: 「サウンド」 by 初音ミク
SOUND by Hatsune MIKU

Monday 25 October 2010

Week 26 Day 2 - I am not a human

Another short post now.
[EDIT: Added some other vids, and altered some of the code to link it right]

Song: 私は人間じゃないから by 初音ミク
Watashi wa ningen jyanai kara (I am not a human) by Hatsune MIKU

Week 26 Day 1 - One Day? Good Day!

And announcing for the next weekly posts, I give you, VOCALOID week.
I am feeling a little bit under the weather, so I shall make this double post kinda fast.

Song: One Day? Good Day! by 初音ミク
One Day? Good Day! by Hatsune MIKU

Friday 22 October 2010

Week 25 Day 7 - Colors of the Heart

And so, here comes Friday again, where I end the anime-week with this great song.

Song: Colors of the Heart by UVERworld

Thursday 21 October 2010

Week 25 Day 6 - Don't Say Lazy

And here's today's second post. I give you:-

Song: Don't Say "Lazy" by 日笠 陽子 with 豊崎 愛生, 佐藤 聡美 and 寿 美菜子
Don't Say "Lazy" by Hikasa Yoko with Aki Toyosaki, Satomi Sato and Minako Kotobuki

Week 25 Day 5 - Daybreak's Bell

Sorry for being late, I shall do a double-post instead today. And here's the first post:-

Song: Daybreak's Bell by ラルク アン シエル
Daybreak's Bell by L'Arc-en-Ciel (Raruku an Shieru)
[L'Arc-en-Ciel also means 'rainbow' in French]

Tuesday 19 October 2010

Week 25 Day 4 - Hemisphere

And tonight's second post, I give you:-

Song: ヘミソフィア by 坂本 真綾
Hemisphere (HEMISOFIA) by Maaya Sakamoto

Week 25 Day 3 - Realize

And for another double-post day, here's:-

Song: Realize by 玉置 成実
Realize by Nami Tamaki

Sunday 17 October 2010

Week 25 Day 2 - Garnet Moon

And for my second post, I shall give you:-

Song: Garnet Moon by 島谷ひとみ
Garnet Moon by Hitomi Shimatani

Week 25 Day 1 - D-tecnoLife

And welcome to week 25! And it's back to the anime-list we go again. Let's start off with:-

Song: D-tecnolife by UVERworld

Saturday 16 October 2010

Week 24 Day 7 - Cosmic Mind

Welcome to day 7...
it has been a busy day yesterday, so I gave it a miss. Fair enough point since I did give an additional mini-post day before, so it balances out. In any case, here's the last song for Touhou week - boss version:-

Song: 感情の摩天楼 ~ Cosmic Mind
Kanjō no Matenrō ~ Cosmic Mind (Emotional Skyscraper ~ Cosmic Mind)

Theme of Byakuren Hiziri (聖 白蓮 | Hijiri Byakuren)

Friday 15 October 2010

Week 24 Day 6.8 - Fate of Sixty Years

Now, what did I say about mini-posts? This is my second one this week already. Man! Is that a good thing or a bad thing?

In any case, I've had people wondering, why did I start from Touhou 6? Honestly, it's because I never played the first 5, nor am I familiar with the boss music there. I only do the Windows' games version.
Then, why did I jump from Touhou 8 (Imperishable Night) to Touhuo 10 (Mountain of Faith). Well, I actually got lazy and didn't want to do it initially. But here is where THIS post comes in. This post is solely here for:-

Song: 六十年目の東方裁判 ~ Fate of Sixty Years
Rokujūnemme no Touhou Saiban ~ Fate of Sixty Years (Touhou Judgement in the Sixtieth Year ~ Fate of Sixty Years)

Theme of Shikieiki Yamaxanadu (四季映姫・ヤマザナドゥ | Shikieiki Yamazanadu)

Thursday 14 October 2010

Week 24 Day 6 - Nuclear Fusion

Welcome to day 6! And here's your next daily dose of Touhou boss songs:-

Song: 霊知の太陽信仰 ~ Nuclear Fusion
Rēchi no Taiyō Shinkō (Solar Sect of Mystic Wisdom ~ Nuclear Fusion)
[alt. Sun Worship of Gnosis ~ Nuclear Fusion]

Theme of Utsuho Reiuzi (霊烏路 空 | Reiuji Utsuho)

Wednesday 13 October 2010

Week 24 Day 5 - Suwa Foughten Field

And day 5 shall proceed on with this song:-

Song: 神さびた古戦場 ~ Suwa Foughten Field
Kami sabita kosenjou ~ Suwa Foughten Field (The Venerable Ancient Battlefield ~ Suwa Foughten Field)

Theme of Kanako Yasaka (八坂 神奈子 | Yasaka Kanako)

Week 24 Day 4.25 - Voyage

This was taken from the second half of Week 24 Day 4's post. I've decided that it has earned itself the right to have a mini-post on it's own.
This post does not count towards one of the 365 posts that I intend to post, but it will still be official in my books. ENJOY!!

Song: ヴォヤージュ1970
Voyage 1970

'Last Word' of Eirin Yagokoro and Kaguya Houraisan. [Last Word is the FINAL spellcard that you see in the game]

Tuesday 12 October 2010

Week 24 Day 4 - History of the Moon

My second post of the day today is as follows:-

Song: 千年幻想郷 ~ History of the Moon
Gensokyo Millennium ~ History of the Moon (Sennen Gensōkyō ~ History of the Moon)

Theme of Eirin Yagokoro (八意 永琳 | Yagokoro Eirin)

Week 24 Day 3 - Flight of the Bamboo Cutter

And today is double-post day. Without further ado, here's today's touhou boss song:-

Song: 竹取飛翔 ~ Lunatic Princess
Flight of the Bamboo Cutter ~ Lunatic Princess (Taketori Hishō ~ Lunatic Princess)

Theme of Kaguya Houraisan [蓬萊山 輝夜 | Hōraisan Kaguya]

Sunday 10 October 2010

Week 24 Day 2 - Border of Life

And to continue with day 2 of this week, I shall give you double dose of musics. So enjoy the following 2:-

Song: 幽雅に咲かせ、墨染の桜 ~ Border of Life
Bloom Nobly, Cherry Blossoms of Sumizome ~ Border of Life (Yuuga ni sakase, Sumizome no sakura ~ Border of Life)

Song: ボーダーオブライフ
Border of Life (Bōdā obu Raifu)

Theme of Yuyuko Saigyouji (西行寺 幽々子 | Saigyōji Yuyuko)

Week 24 Day 1 - Septette for the Dead Princess

And welcome to Week 24. This week I shall revisit the Touhou-themed week, in particular, the actual songs found in-game as well as the many MANY other musical rearrangements. For this week's touhou songs, I shall choose to focus on the Bosses themes (that is, Stage 6 characters theme songs), starting with:-

Song: 亡き王女の為のセプテット
Naki oujo no tameno SEPUTETTO (Septette for the Dead Princess)
Theme of Remilia Scarlet (レミリア・スカーレット | Remiria Sukāretto)

Friday 8 October 2010

Week 23 Day 7 - The Cold Haze/Mr. Trouble Maker

Welcome to the final day of the week, where the final song of J-pop week will be posted. Without much further ado, here's the song-of-the-day:-

Song: ツメタイカゲロウ by ジャンヌダルク
Tsumetai Kagerou (Cold Haze) by Janne da Arc

Thursday 7 October 2010

Week 23 Day 6 - Iya, Iya

Ok, I feel like doing a short post today, and the song I picked apparently just made it easier for me :P
Today's song of the day is:-

Song: 嫌、嫌 by May'N (中林 芽依)
Iya, Iya (No, No) by May'N (Nakabayashi Mei)
[Her stage name is taken from MAY Nakabayashi (Mei and May pronounced the same)]

Wednesday 6 October 2010

Week 23 Day 5 - LifeSize

And here's my next post of the day:-

[Video COMPLETELY unrelated. Could not find anything closer to the actual song.]

Song: LIFEsize by UVERworld

Tuesday 5 October 2010

Week 23 Day 4 - あなたがいる限り

And here's my second post of the day, a little earlier than anticipated, but here goes:-

Song: あなたがいる限り: A World to Believe In by 伊藤 由奈 & Celine Dion
Anata ga Iru Kagiri: A World to Believe In by Yuna Ito & Celine Dion
[Translates to 'As Long As You Are With Me: A World to Believe In]

Week 23 Day 3 - Oxalis

Double post day it is then, for today. And I shall start it off with:-

[Starting out with the PV]

Song: オキザリス by ハイ・アンド・マイティ・カラー
OKIZARISU (Oxalis) by HAI AND MAITII KARA (High & Mighty Color)
(Note: Oxalis is a type of plant, apparently)

Sunday 3 October 2010

Week 23 Day 2 - Pierce/Starting Over

And welcome to day 2 of week 23: J-pop week.
For my second post, I shall attempt to bring you a quite very obscure song, so here goes:-

Song: pierce by 和田 光司
pierce by Wada Kōji

Week 23 Day 1 - Season's Call

Hello and welcome to the first themed week of the 6th month. This is the road to the mid-point, heading to the point of no-return (though in actual fact, there is no PNR at all).

Anyways, without much further-ado, let's jump straight into this week's new theme, J-pop week. As with previous such weeks, this is a collection of random songs by J-artists that I have compiled. Some MAY be related to animes, but heck, who cares.

Let's begin with one of them:-

Song: Season's Call by HYDE

Saturday 2 October 2010

Week 22 Day 7 - VICTORY

And for my final post in JAM Project week, let me give you:-

Song: VICTORY by JAM Project

Friday 1 October 2010

05 - The Month of September - The first flight of random

It's this time again, monthly review time. And the 5th one to boot. Another month and I'd have reach my mid-way point! Booya!
153/365 down, 212 days to go (that's about 41.9% done)
5/12 down, 7 months to go (41.667% done)

Well, as usual, let's do a recap at what I've posted so far throughout the month, shall we?

Just to remind, I would be reviewing on a weekly basis, what the week's supposed theme (if any) would be, and the individual songs posted (as well as the actual link to the post). [This is gonna be a copy-pasta from previous months]

Note2: We have a FB page now. Link is here.

(Note: There are TWO 'Back-to-top' buttons at both the bottom left and bottom right of the posts)

Thursday 30 September 2010

Week 22 Day 6 - Break Out!

And here's the last post of this month. Due to scheduling, I'll post up the monthly review tomorrow, before the final weekly post. Or maybe after, depending on schedule really.
Anyways, enough banter.. the next JAM Project song to get screen-time here is:-

Song: Break Out by JAM Project

Wednesday 29 September 2010

Week 22 Day 5 - Howl to tomorrow

And here's the next new song. I give you:-

Song: 未来への咆哮 by JAM Project
Asu he no Hokou (Howl to tomorrow) by JAM Project

Tuesday 28 September 2010

Week 22 Day 4 - Transformers Evo.

Moving along with this week's JAM Project songs, I give you one of their latest works (as opposed to the earlier ones of the previous 2 posts), which is:-

Song: Transformers Evo. by JAM Project
[Excuse the LONG intro]

Monday 27 September 2010

Week 22 Day 3 - SKILL

And next on the JAM Project list, I give you:-

Song: SKILL by JAM Project

Sunday 26 September 2010

Week 22 Day 2 - The Messiah of Steel

And the second post of the day is:-

Song: 鋼の救世主(メシア) by JAM Project
Hagane no MESHIA (Steel Messiah/Messiah of Steel) by JAM Project

Week 22 Day 1 - Gong!

And now, for the start of my double-post, Allow me to announce this week's new theme, that is themed by J-pop artist. Though however, I wouldn't classify these songs as pop, but here you go, for the first post:-

Song: GONG by JAM Project

Friday 24 September 2010

Week 21 Day 7 - Only my railgun!

And, to round off this week of random slots (to fill in void spaces), I shall give you:-

Song: Only my railgun by fripSide
[Update: New vid added]

Thursday 23 September 2010

Week 21 Day 6 - Kimi Sae Ireba

Today's post of the day is:-

Song: 君さえいれば by DEEN
Kimi sae ireba (As long as you are here) by DEEN

Wednesday 22 September 2010

Week 21 Day 5 - Nowhere

And here we go. The song-of-the-day is:-

Song: nowhere by フィクションジャンクション・ユウカ
nowhere by FictionJunction YUUKA [Fikushon Jankushon Yūka]

Week 21 Day 4 - Wild Eyes

Sorry for being late. Here's the new song today:-

Song: Wild Eyes by 水樹 奈々
Wild Eyes by Nana Mizuki

Monday 20 September 2010

Week 21 Day 3 - Shine within the storm

Ok, my next post to you will be:-

Song: 嵐の中で輝いて by 米倉 千尋
Arashi no naka de Kagayaite (Shine within the storm) by Chihiro Yonekura

Sunday 19 September 2010

Week 21 Day 2 - My Pace

For the 2nd post of the day, I give you:-

Song: マイペース by サンセット スウィッシュ
Mai Pēsu (My Pace) by Sansetto Suwisshu (SunSet Swish)

Note: We have a FB page now. Link is here.

Week 21 Day 1 - Slash

Welcome to Week 21. This will be the first of 3 'random' weeks. These are a list of songs that I came up with at the last minute (actually I had 1 week of planning) to fill in gaps that I have in my planning stages of this blog. Some ARE sub-par, some MAY BE sub-par, but they are all songs that I have and would listen to again. Without further ado, here's:-

Song: Slash! by 太田 美知彦
SLASH! by Michihiko Ohta

Friday 17 September 2010

Week 20 Day 7 - Mighty Wind

And so, I finally bring this week to a close, by posting something similar to my opening post on Monday. Today, I give you:-

Song: Mighty Wind from Fate/stay night Réalta Nua (フェイト/ステイナイト Feito/sutei naito)

Thursday 16 September 2010

Week 20 Day 6 - Karma

My next song of the week is:-

Song: Karma from Ever17 ~the out of infinity~

Week 20 Day 5 - EXEC_

Well, firstly, I completely missed my deadline, so here's:-

Song: EXEC_COSMOFLIPS from Ar tonelico III: The Girl's Song that Pulls the Trigger of World's Demise (アルトネリコ3 世界終焉の引鉄は少女の詩が弾く | Aru toneriko Sekai Shūen no Hikigane wa Shōjo no Uta ga Hiku)

Tuesday 14 September 2010

Week 20 Day 4 - Crystal Clear | Daylight

Thanks to my non-preparedness, this posting actually took more than 40 minutes of CHOOSING the right song. Fortunately, I have it for you below:-

Song: Crystal Clear from CROSS†CHANNEL

Week 20 Day 3 - Gentle Jena

And the third post of the day, to cover my lateness, I give you:-

Song: Gentle Jena from Planetarian: Chiisana Hoshi no Yume [planetarian ~ちいさなほしのゆめ~| Planetarian ~The Dream of a Little Planet~]

Week 20 Day 2 - Glass Shoe

Moving on with the VN songs week, I give you:-

Song: ガラスのくつ by いとう かなこ
GARASU no kutsu (Glass shoe/Shoe of Glass) by Itou Kanako

Week 20 Day 1 - EMIYA

This week, in light of wanting to be quick and fast, I shall declare this week as another Game's theme song week. This week we shall tackle the many OSTs from the many Visual novels out there, starting with one that most people can be familiar with:-

Song: EMIYA from Fate/Stay Night (フェイト/ステイナイト Feito/sutei naito)
[Note: As I'm unlikely to find out the names of all composers, I shall list the VN they come from instead.]

Friday 10 September 2010

Week 19 Day 7 - Naked Eve New Era

A quick one today. Here's the next post:-

Song: 裸々イヴ新世紀 by Ali PROJECT
Rara Eve Shinseiki (lit. "Naked Eve New Era") by Ali PROJECT

Thursday 9 September 2010

Week 19 Day 6 - Brave Your Truth

Following up, this next song is:-

Song: Brave Your Truth by DaisyxDaisy

Wednesday 8 September 2010

Week 19 Day 5 - Colors

And my next posting is:-

Song: Colors by FLOW

Tuesday 7 September 2010

Week 19 Day 4 - Blind Game Again

And here's my 2nd post of the day! I give you:-

Song: Blind Game Again by Bad Luck (performed by Kinya Kotani and Mad Soldiers)

Week 19 Day 3 - Karma

Moving on, my next post is:-

Song: カルマ by バンプ・オブ・チキン
KARMA by Bump of Chicken

Monday 6 September 2010

Week 19 Day 2 - Nostalgia

And for my 2nd post of the day, I shall give you a song that is indeed kinda hard to search for:-

Song: Nostalgia by camino

Sunday 5 September 2010

Week 19 Day 1 - Language Power

And the next new theme will be Anime songs... again...
Just a sorta random compilation of songs which I deem are decent, starting with:-

Song: コトダマ by ALI Project
KOTODAMA (Power of Language) by ALI Project

Friday 3 September 2010

Week 18 Day 7 - Last Impression

For my final day of the TWO-MIX themed week, I shall give you a song that is partially appropriately titled:-


Thursday 2 September 2010

Week 18 Day 6 - Call of time| Runner at Daybreak

And moving on, I shall give you one of TWO-MIX's newest songs:-

Song: 時空を超えて by II MIX⊿DELTA
Toki wo Koete (trans. When Time Calls) by II MIX⊿DELTA (pronounced, TWO MIX Delta)
[This is still TWO-MIX, but with additional vocals from a new member Joe Rinoie, hence, adding the additional DELTA (the number 3, also meaning 'change') to the back of their name.]

Wednesday 1 September 2010

Week 18 Day 5 - White Reflection

And to continue the new month with a new song from the same theme, I give you:-


04 - The Month of August: The month of certain rescheduling

It's this time again, monthly review time. This project is going strong!
123/365 down, 242 days to go (that's about 33.7% done)
4/12 down, 8 months to go (33.333% done)

Well, as usual, let's do a recap at what I've posted so far, shall we?

Just to remind, I would be reviewing on a weekly basis, what the week's supposed theme (if any) would be, and the individual songs posted (as well as the actual link to the post). [This is gonna be a copy-pasta from previous months]

(Note: There are TWO 'Back-to-top' buttons at both the bottom left and bottom right of the posts)

Tuesday 31 August 2010

Week 18 Day 4 - Endless Love

And today I shall give you another TWO-MIX song, entitled:-


WEek 18 Day 3 - Rhythm Emotion

And for my next post I shall give:-


Sunday 29 August 2010

Week 18 Day 2 - Truth!

And on to my second post of the day, I shall present to you:-

Song: Truth ~A Great Detective of Love~ by TWO-MIX

Week 18 Day 1 - Just Communication

And on with a new week. This week I shall begin a week of j-songs by a single particular artist. And let me start it off with:-


Friday 27 August 2010

Week 17 Day 7 - Double Lariat!

And finally, the end of the week. What do I have in store? Here's:-

Song: ダブルラリアット by 巡音ルカ
Double Lariat by Megurine LUKA

Thursday 26 August 2010

Week 17 Day 6 - Trick and treat

Another 'collaboration' song. This time is to feature BOTH the Kagamine twins/mirrors in one song. So therefore, today I give you:-

Song: trick and treat by 鏡音リン & 鏡音レン
trick and treat by Kagamine RIN & Kagamine LEN

Wednesday 25 August 2010

Week 17 Day 5 - Urotanda

And my next post to introduce is:-

Song: 卑怯戦隊うろたんだー by KAITO (feat. MEIKO and ミク)
Hikyou Sentai Urotanda (Cowardly Taskforce Urotanda) by KAITO (with MEIKO and MIKU)

Tuesday 24 August 2010

Week 17 Day 4 - Bird of Paradise

And without further ado, here's my 2nd post of the day:-

Song: 極楽鳥 -bird of paradise- by 鏡音リン
Gokurakuchou (bird of paradise) by Kagamine RIN

Week 17 Day 3 - Hayate

Sorry for the non-posting yesterday. Let me continue on the week with a VOCALOID that I've actually let others see before previously:-

Song: 疾風 by 神威がくぽ
Hayate (Gale) by Kamui Gakupo

Sunday 22 August 2010

Week 17 Day 2 - ヤンデ恋歌 (Yanderenka)

And the 2nd post of the week, Another introduction to the VOCALOID family. This time someone who was released after MIKU and part of a duo of voices. I give you ONE of the twins, Kagamine LEN (鏡音レン):-

Song: ヤンデ恋歌 by 鏡音レン
Yanderenka (Len's Psychotic Love Song, not sure exactly how that is transliterated) by Kagamine LEN.

Week 17 Day 1 - Change me

First up, before I start the week, I'd like to say a couple of things regarding this project. Mainly in terms of post timings. Although I try to start the week on the first day the blog started (1st of May, Saturday), this seems to have some weird problems, particularly with the archiving. As the weekly archives only start on a Sunday, therefore the archives will get messed up. Thus, Normally I'll start on a Sunday and do a double-post instead, or schedule a Sat post to appear on Sunday, so as to keep the archiving nice and proper.

Also, for those who notice, I have recently missed a lot of Monday posts. Due to tight schedule on that day itself, I now find myself EXTREMELY hard to post an update on that day. So I try to do a double-post on Tuesday as well. This should be removed once my semester has ended, hopefully.

Anyways, on to this week's post, I give you (as foreshadowed early on) another week of VOCALOID songs! This time around, I'm giving you songs from the other VOCALOIDs in the series, starting by one of the early ones, MEIKO:-

Song: Change me by MEIKO

Friday 20 August 2010

Week 16 Day 7 - Dance of the Caramell

And my final post of the week:-

Song: Caramelldansen (SpeedyCake remix) by Caramell
[Also known as ウッーウッーウマウマ(゚∀゚) {Yes, including that smiley face} in Japan]

Thursday 19 August 2010

Week 16 Day 6 - Can't defeat...

This next song is also another Rockman 2 related song. I give you:-

Song: エアーマンが倒せない by TEAMねこかん
Airman ga Taosenai (Can't defeat Airman) by Team Nekokan

Wednesday 18 August 2010

Week 16 Day 5 - True my heart~!

As for my second post, jajan~!:-

Song: TRUE MY HEART by ave;new feat. Sakura Saori

Week 16 Day 4 - One Hundred and Ten Million!

Sorry for ditching on the double post that was supposed to be done yesterday. Today will be the double-post day. Anyways, the song of the day is:-

Song: 思い出は億千万 by ゴム
Omoide wa Okkusenman (110 Million Memories) by GOMU

Tuesday 17 August 2010

Week 16 Day 3 - Oh! Take matters on your own.

Welcome to another bout of double-post. This song I'm gonna preview will probably be the only odd one out out of my WHOLE project. But I'm willing to make such an exception as it fits this week's theme of super crazily hyped songs from NicoNicoDouga. What song is it? It's.. :-

Song: Åh, När Ni Tar Saken I Egna Händer by After Dark
Ah, "When You Take Matters Into Your Own Hands by After Dark

Sunday 15 August 2010

Week 16 Day 2 - 男女

2nd post of the day. And I give you:-

Song: 男女 by Tarou
Danjo (lit. Boy Girl) by Tarou

Week 16 Day 1 - Let's Go Omnyouji!

Late again, bla bla.. the same ol' excuse. Double post day then, today.
So this week I'd like to give you songs that have spawned myriads of videos on Nico Nico Douga.
Basically, a NND week. First up here's:-

Song: レッツゴー!陰陽師 by Dencyu + Momoeika
Let's Go! Omnyouji by Dencyu + Momoeika

Saturday 14 August 2010

Week 15 Day 7 - Hitori

Aright, pardon my lateness, but I think this is gonna be another quick update, so here's the song:-

Song: ひとり by ゴスペラーズ
Hitori (Alone) by Gospellers

Thursday 12 August 2010

Week 15 Day 6 - Sakura

And the next song, while a fairly short post, is a kinda long PV. I give you:-

Song: さくら by ケツメイシ
Sakura (Cherry Blossoms) by Ketsumeishi

Wednesday 11 August 2010

Week 15 Day 5 - Boarding! Zips!

A very quick update today, so just bear with me. The song below:-

Song: Boarding by T.M. Revolution

Tuesday 10 August 2010

Week 15 Day 4 - Powdered Snow

And for my 2nd post of the day, I give you:-

Song: 粉雪 by レミオロメン
Konayuki (Powdered Snow) by REMIOROMEN

Week 15 Day 3 - Cold flowers

Moving on to the first of my next double-post, here's:-


Song: 冷たい花 by The Brilliant Green
Tsumetai Hana (Cold flowers) by The Brilliant Green

Monday 9 August 2010

Week 15 Day 2 - My All

Alrighty, 2nd post of the night. And I shall bring you this song from a group I've featured before:-

Song: My All by To Destination

Week 15 Day 1 - Platinum Kiss

And I'm back! With another week of stuffs. Apologize for the break over the weekend, but I'll try to make it up by giving you double-posts... twice! Today and tomorrow that is.
Anyways, this week is just a mesh of J-pop songs, starting off with:-

Song: Platinum Kiss by ゴスペラーズ
Platinum Kiss by Gospellers

Friday 6 August 2010

Week 14 Day 7 - Leveling up!

Ahh, finally, an early post. Here's today's song:-

Song: 経験値上昇中☆ by 佐藤 利奈, 井上 麻里奈 & 茅原 実里
Keikenchi Jōshōchū☆ ("lit. Rise in Expected value of Experience") by Rina Sato, Marina Inoue & Minori Chihara
(Note: Can be shortened to Leveling up!)

Thursday 5 August 2010

Week 14 Day 6 - Sakura Kiss

Alrighty, my next post, I shall give a kiss:-

Song: 桜キッス by 河辺 千恵子
Sakura KISS by Chieko Kawabe