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Friday 7 January 2011

Week 36 Day 7 - ElDorado | Space Invader | The Final Countdown

And for the final post of the week, I shall finish off with yet another bunch of Dave Rodgers' songs. Here begins:-

Song: Eldorado by Dave Rodgers

Thursday 6 January 2011

Week 36 Day 6 - Takumi

Alrighty, back to Initial D stuffs. Here goes:-

Song: Takumi by Neo

Week 36 Day 5 - Kingdom of Rock

Welcome to another session of eurobeat songs. This time, I shall take a small step away from Initial D (where I realize MOST of my songs have been coming from) to another form of great Eurobeat songs.

Today I shall feature 2 songs from the Para Para Paradise franchise! PPP as well as Dance Dance Revolution (DDR) are also a major source of Eurobeat songs. The first song in question is:-

Song: Kingdom of Rock by Dave Rodgers

Wednesday 5 January 2011

Week 36 Day 4 - Random Eurobeats

Well, welcome to Day 4. Today I intend to just randomly dump a FEW eurobeat songs. There SHOULDN'T be much additional stuffs. Also, lyrics (if you really want) will be attached to song names.

Let's go with the opener:-

[Note: Starting out with an AMV]

Song: Forever Young by Symbol

Tuesday 4 January 2011

Week 36 Day 3 - The Race Is Over | Space Boy

Onwards with my next pair of songs, here's Dave again, this time with:-

Song: The Race is Over by Dave Rodgers

Week 36 Day 2 - IMPACT Blue

Let's begin yet again:-

Song: Impact Blue by 根谷 美智子 & かかず ゆみ
Impact Blue by Michiko Neya & Yumi Kakazu

Week 36 Day 1 - Fevernova

Welcome back!
The new year has come and gone, and now we usher in the year that is 2011.
And to start off the new week, month and year, I shall focus on a particular genre that I've always liked, despite it being simple and repetitive almost always. Yes, I'm talking about Eurobeat songs, the japanese version that is (see link). This week shall be solely focused on these songs, and hence will be relatively light to start with. Let's begin with a song from a well-known Eurobeat figurehead:-

Song: FEVERNOVA by Dave Rodgers (with Kiko Loureiro)