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Friday 3 December 2010

Week 31 Day 7 - Butterfly

Here's the final post of the week, and I shall give you:-

Song: Butter-Fly by 和田 光司
Butter-Fly by Kōji Wada

Week 31 Day 6 - Unyielding Wish

This next song is older than the others so far, but:-

Song: ゆずれない願い by 田村 直美
Yuzurenai Negai (Unyielding Wish) by Naomi Tamura

Week 31 Day 5 - Crimson Oath

On to the next song:-

Song: 真赤な誓い by 福山 芳樹
Makka na Chikai (Crimson Oath)

Week 31 Day 4 - God Knows...

And now time for a very well-known song:-

Song: God Knows... by ENOZ with 涼宮ハルヒ (平野 綾)
God Knows... by ENOZ with Suzumiya Haruhi (Aya Hirano)

Wednesday 1 December 2010

07 - The Month of November - The month of pressure

It's this time again, monthly review time. This project is STILL going strong! Though sadly, this post is backdated by about 20 days
214/365 down, 151 days to go (that's about 58.63% done)
7/12 down, 5 months to go (58.333% done)

Well, as usual, let's do a recap at what I've posted so far, shall we?

Just to remind, I would be reviewing on a weekly basis, what the week's supposed theme (if any) would be, and the individual songs posted (as well as the actual link to the post). [This is gonna be a copy-pasta from previous months]

(Note: There are TWO 'Back-to-top' buttons at both the bottom left and bottom right of the posts)

Monday 29 November 2010

Week 31 Day 3 - Don't be late!

Next up is:-

Song: 射手座☆午後九時Don't be late by シェリル・ノーム (CV: May'N)
Iteza☆Gogo Kuji Don't be late ( Sagittarius☆9pm Don't be late) by Sheryl Nome (CV: May'N)

Week 31 Day 2 - Muv-Luv

This next song unfortunately (due to miscalculation on my part), does not really fall into the Kamikyoku part. But I'm putting it in for being a great song in it's own right. So here's:-

Song: マブラヴ by 栗林 みな実
Muv-Luv by Minami Kuribayashi

Week 31 Day 1 - Genesis of Aquarion

Welcome to the 31st week. And the theme of this week is not just a mere collection of anime songs. I am giving you what is considered to be Kamikyoku (神曲) or otherwise known as God songs. These are pretty much famous anime songs, but with.. well.... await the NND links to see what I really mean. In the mean time, here's the first song of the week:-

Song: 創聖のアクエリオン by AKINO (川満 愛希信)
Sousei no Aquarion (Genesis of AQUARION) by AKINO (Akino Kawamitsu)