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Saturday 18 December 2010

Week 33 Day 7 - No, Thank You!

And for the final post of the week (I actually wrote all 7 of these posts on Saturday, so I am that late), I shall give you, what I believe to be, the best ED of 2010:-

Song: No, Thank You! by 日笠 陽子 with 豊崎 愛生, 佐藤 聡美, 寿 美菜子 & 竹達 彩奈
No, Thank You! by Hikasa Yoko with Aki Toyosaki, Satomi Sato, Minako Kotobuki and Ayana Taketatsu

Friday 17 December 2010

Week 33 Day 6 - Over Sky

I actually had this one spot where I'm not sure what to post. After a hasty decision (based on songs that I've heard recently), I decide to feature this song today:-

Song: Over Sky by various
[Note: I use VARIOUS here, because there are 12 official versions of this song, each sung by 2 of the main cast (except the final version, where all are in it). Hence to proper artist(es) to tag it to]

Week 33 Day 5 - Brave Love

For the next song, we have to go back to the 90s (not really). I give you:-

[Enjoy the Vid. Galaxy Express 999 AMV]

Song: Brave Love by The Alfee

Week 33 Day 4 - GirlsDeMo Crow Song

This next post isn't show-casing ONE song in particular, but a bunch of them from one source. TO start with, let me give you:-

Song: Crow Song [Iwasawa ver.] by Girls Dead Monster (GirlsDeMo) [Marina version]

Song: Crow Song [Yui ver.] by Girls Dead Monster [LisA version]

Thursday 16 December 2010

Week 33 Day 3 - Braveheart

Next song on the list is:-

Song: Braveheart by The Gomband

Week 33 Day 2 - Yamato Nadeshiko Education

Next post, I give you a song which is pretty recent:-

Song: 大和撫子エデュケイション by トリプルブッキング [CV: 日笠 陽子, 佐藤 聡美 & 矢作紗友里]
Yamato Nadeshiko Education by Triple Booking [CV: Hikasa Yoko, Satomi Satou & Sayuri Yahagi]
[Note: The title references Yamato Nadeshiko, which is a Japanese phrase meaning "personification of an idealized Japanese woman". More info here.]

Week 33 Day 1 - Ash Like Snow

Welcome to Week 33 and the 3rd week of 'randoms' (last one there is planned). I am actually VERY very late, but shall still strive to bring 7 posts within 7 days. First up, here's one of my present favourite songs:-

Song: Ash Like Snow by the brilliant green